If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, dental veneers can be an excellent solution to improve your smile. However, the process of getting veneers can be uncomfortable for some patients, particularly if they have dental anxiety or a low pain threshold. That’s where sleep dentistry or general anesthesia can help. In this article, we’ll explain why patients in need of veneers should consider getting dentistry done with sleep dentistry or general anesthesia.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental anxiety is a common condition that affects many people. This can cause them to feel nervous, stressed, or fearful before and during their dental appointments. For patients with dental anxiety, sleep dentistry can be an excellent option. Sleep dentistry can help them have a worry-free, and stress free experience while the doctor is able to perform interruption-free dentistry as the patient sleeps.



  • Stained or discolored teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Misshapen or uneven teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
The process of getting veneers typically involves several appointments with your dentist. During the first appointment, your dentist will prepare your teeth by removing a thin layer of enamel. They’ll then take impressions of your teeth, which will be used to create your custom veneers. In some cases, temporary veneers may be placed while your permanent ones are being made.
Once your veneers are ready, you’ll return to the dentist’s office for the final appointment. Your dentist will bond the veneers to your teeth using a special adhesive and light curing. They’ll then make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable fit.

Why Sleep Dentistry or General Anesthesia May Be Helpful for Veneer Procedures

While the process of getting veneers is generally painless, some patients may experience discomfort or anxiety during the procedure. This is particularly true for patients with a low pain threshold, dental anxiety, or a strong gag reflex. In these cases, sleep dentistry or general anesthesia can help make the experience more comfortable and less stressful.


Sleep dentistry, also known as sedation dentistry, involves the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. Depending on the level of sedation, patients may feel drowsy, groggy, or even fall asleep during the procedure. General anesthesia, on the other hand, involves the use of medication to put patients into a deep sleep, where they’ll be completely unaware of the procedure. Both sleep dentistry and general anesthesia can be used for veneer procedures to help patients feel more comfortable and relaxed.


In addition to helping patients manage pain and anxiety, sleep dentistry or general anesthesia can also be helpful for patients who have complex dental issues that require extensive treatment. This may include patients who need multiple veneers or who have other dental issues that need to be addressed at the same time.


It’s important to note that while sleep dentistry or general anesthesia can be helpful for some patients, it’s not necessary for everyone. If you’re considering veneers and have concerns about discomfort or anxiety during the procedure, talk to your dentist about whether sleep dentistry or general anesthesia may be an option for you.

The Risks and Benefits of Sleep Dentistry or General Anesthesia

As with any medical procedure, there are risks and benefits associated with sleep dentistry or general anesthesia. It’s important to discuss these with your dentist before undergoing any procedure. Some potential risks of sleep dentistry or general anesthesia may include:

  • Allergic reactions to medications
  • Respiratory issues, particularly for patients with sleep apnea or other breathing disorders
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Headache or dizziness

However, there are also many potential benefits of sleep dentistry or general anesthesia, including:

  • Reduced pain and discomfort during the procedure
  • Reduced anxiety or fear
  • Faster recovery time
  • Ability to undergo longer or more complex treatment painlessly and efficiently


Sleep Dentistry is a convenient opportunity for patients to sleep through their appointment, and wake up to all of their veneers prepared and sent of to the lab for final fabrication. Schedule a consultation with us at Serenity Sleep Dentistry to get that smile you’ve always dreamed of in your sleep.